2011年10月5日 星期三

高 曼 麗 老 師 雙 喜 臨 門

Yesterday (05/10/11) was the 80th birthday as well as 54th wedding anniversary of Mdm Cheung Ko Man Lai.  Needless to say, what else is better to celebrate this important and meaningful occasion than a party so that good friends can share the joy with the Cheung family.  This was held at the 譽 宴 Restaurant (formerly Choi Fook), Lee Theatre Plaza.  Many MHPS old boys were among the guests making it again a small scale reunion.  The five MCs, all Mdm Ko's grand daughters did an extremely good job and there was never a dull moment.  The fine food, of course, also contributed to this successful party.

These photos and videos serve as a fond memory of this tremendous occasion.